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Lady Grey
Grande Dame of the Stage and Fairy Godmother to the Lovelies

B. Elsa Bubbs
Badass Queen of Darkness

Betty Lou Bloom
Sweet & Surprising Coquette

Bitsy Vanderbounce
Darling but Daring Debutante

Brooklyn Noir
Flirty Flow Girl

Celestial Bawdy
Sassy and Mischevious Songstress

Daisy Havoc
Cute & Campy Troublemaker

Dr. Trix
Troublemaking Trickster & All Around Villain

Eileen the Enigma
Mysterious Renegade Violinist

Emerald Malice
Dangerously Impish Dark Elf

Gigi Mignon

Irish Melody
Sublime Singer Reclaiming Her Glory Days

Jess Right
Straight-Talking Spinster and Comedienne

Jessica Thrones
Notorious Dancing Assassin

Karma Chameleon
Colorful Life of the Party

Leia Pipes
Hauntingly Beautiful Chanteuse

Lily von Lush
Bottoms Up Party Girl

Marvin Aberdeen
Bungling Henchman & Loveable Goofball

Pinky Macabre
Sweet & Spunky Goth Girl

Professor Plume
Sophisticated Flapper with a Brilliant Mind

Renee Maes
Exotic Bellydancing Beauty

Rose Maywood
Sultry Acrobat & Closet Exhibitionist

Sadie Soiree
Flirty Storyteller & Royalty of the Local Juice Joint

Scotch Rocks
Real Life Bugs Bunny

Cinderella Turned Temptress
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